What Is Libel?
Libel is a type of defamation that involves the publication of writing, pictures, cartoons, or other media that say harmful or false things that damage a person’s or organization’s reputation.

What Is the Difference Between Libel and Defamation?
- Libel is the written type of defamation that involves the publication of false statements that harm a person or organization’s reputation.
- Defamation is the umbrella term for making false statements about a person or organization that harm their reputation.
What Is the Difference Between Libel and Slander?
- Libel is written defamation, meaning statements made in print, online, or published elsewhere.
- Slander is verbal defamation. It occurs when a person or organization makes false accusations, rumors, or derogatory remarks about another person or organization that damages their reputation or livelihood.
What Libel Risks Does My Business Face?
There are several libel risks a business can face, including:
- Posting something on social media about a competitor that harms their reputation.
- Posting a false review about getting food poisoning at a food truck.
- Sending a letter to a newspaper editor about a competitor lacking competence or professional integrity.
Anything put in print or online that could be seen as a false statement would put your business at risk for a libel claim.
Can Insurance Cover Libel?
Yes! With personal and advertising injury insurance, you can receive coverage for libel claims.
With a base policy from Food Liability Insurance Program (FLIP), you get personal and advertising injury coverage along with:
You can get a FLIP policy for as low as $25.92 a month or $299 a year. Learn more about who we cover and how insurance can benefit your food or beverage business today!