
Food Contamination

What Is Food Contamination?

Food contamination refers to harmful substances in food, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemicals, or physical objects

Contamination can occur at any state of food production or preparation and often results from improper handling, storage, cooking, or hygiene practices. Eating contaminated food can lead to food poisoning or other injuries, posing serious health risks.

Food contamination definition.

What Are Common Food Contamination Claims?

  • Undercooked food that causes someone to contract a foodborne illness.
  • An unlabeled allergen gets into a product via food cross-contamination and causes a customer to have an allergic reaction.
  • A foreign object gets into a food product during production and harms a customer when they eat it.


While practicing proper food handling techniques can help prevent contamination, accidents still happen. That’s why it’s important to carry liability insurance for your food business.

How Can Insurance Help Cover Food Contamination and Spoilage?

If something does go awry and you accidentally grab the spatula you used for your peanut butter cookies to whip up some nut-free ones, product liability insurance can provide a financial safety net if you get sued by a customer. 

Product liability insurance could pay for any medical costs incurred by the customer as well as legal expenses you owe to settle the claim.

Does FLIP Offer Food Contamination Insurance?

Yes! A base FLIP policy includes product liability insurance, which is designed to cover food contamination claims. 

Learn more about who we cover and if your business is eligible for a FLIP policy today!