

What Is a Claimant?

A claimant is a third party seeking compensation from your liability insurance. 

For example, if a customer gets food poisoning from your product and receives medical treatment, they could make a claim against your policy for their hospital bills.  In this case, they would be the “claimant.”

Claimant definition

Claimant vs. Insured

An insurance claimant is a third-party person or organization that experiences damage or losses caused by your business. 

You are the insured, the policyholder who is covered by the insurance.

As the insured, you have a policy so that your insurance (rather than your business) pays claimants for their losses.

Who Is the Claimant?

A claimant can be any third party who suffers damages caused by or associated with the policyholder’s business.

This can include:

  • Customers
  • Individuals injured on or around your business operations
  • Venues
  • Property managers or owners
  • Another business

Because a claimant must be a third party, you, your employees, and any additional insureds cannot be claimants, even if you experience injuries or damages.

What Is the Process to File a Claim With FLIP?

You can file a claim in just four easy steps:

  • Click “File A Claim”
  • Add all the necessary information
  • A claims adjustor will contact you and the claim will be taken care of!

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