Cyber Liability Insurance
Protect your food business in the event of a cyber security breach from $8.25/month.
What Is Cyber Liability Insurance?
Cyber liability covers cybercrime, such as data breaches, security failure, and ransomware.
These attacks can result in huge financial losses, but cyber liability insurance helps cover the cost, reducing or even eliminating your out-of-pocket expenses.
Food Liability Insurance Program (FLIP) provides up to $100,000 of cyber liability coverage for food service businesses. We cover both first- and third-party claims to restore or replace lost data, pay ransomware demands, or cover legal costs.
Who Needs Cyber Liability Insurance?
If your food business uses a computer, stores data digitally, accepts credit cards as payment, or has any online programs, you need cyber liability insurance.
According to Cybercrime Magazine, more than half of all cyberattacks are committed against small or midsized businesses, and 60% of those businesses close within six months of the attack.
Your food business collects and stores valuable information, like tax records, bank statements, and customer credit card numbers. Cybercriminals steal that data, which can cost you and your customers money, time, and stress.
Without cyber liability insurance for your small business, you could spend thousands of dollars out of pocket to restore or replace lost data.
Compromised customer data can also result in lawsuits and third-party claims that could drain your bank account faster than you can say “computer virus.”
FLIP’s cyber liability covers these claims, giving you a financial safety net for the digital age.
How Does Cyber Liability Insurance Work?
If you experience a cyberattack, like a data breach or ransomware, you can face serious expenses for your business. Cyber liability insurance helps you recoup your losses if you lose money due to cybercrime.
In addition to protecting your business, cyber liability insurance can also cover third-party claims associated with cybercrime. For example, if a customer sues you after their data is compromised, your policy could cover court costs and any judgments against you.
Not only does cybercrime cause immediate financial losses—it can damage your reputation and productivity. Cyber liability can help cover your losses and restore trust with your customers.
How Long Does It Take?
You can get your instant quote and purchase your policy in 10 minutes or less. Depending on the start date you select, your coverage can start as soon as the same day!
If you need a customized quote or higher limits, this can take a little longer, but our team is ready and waiting to help you get covered ASAP.
What Are Common Cyber Liability Insurance Claims?
You could be held liable if your business experiences a cyberattack that results in financial losses.
There are a variety of ways in which cybercriminals can access your sensitive business documents, including:
- Phishing: Criminals use fake emails posing as a trusted business or associate to get personal information.
- Hacking: Skilled individuals use their tech skills to shut down, take over, or tamper with websites or computer networks.
- Ransomware: Malicious software, or malware, that can hold information hostage until demands are met.
- Blackmail: Cybercriminals find and leverage sensitive information against victims.
As we rely more and more on technology to conduct business, the rate of cyberattacks is rising. Here are just a few examples of how cyber liability insurance could support you if your business falls victim to cybercrime:
- If your business’s financial documents are compromised, your policy could cover the cost of restoring or replacing the lost data.
- If you’re locked out of your work computer system due to malware, cyber liability covers the ransomware payment so you can regain access.
If a customer’s bank information is stolen and they sue you, insurance can cover the legal fees.
What Does Cyber Liability Insurance Cover?
FLIP’s cyber liability insurance can cover both first- and third-party costs resulting from cybercrime attacks.
- First-party coverage can pay for expenses caused by a cyber security breach, such as the cost of restoring or replacing your data.
- Third-party coverage can pay for insurance claims against your company, like the cost of legal assistance if a disgruntled customer sues you because of a data breach.
What Does Cyber Liability Insurance Not Cover?
Damages to your computer or technical equipment do not qualify as cyber liability claims. This coverage is limited to financial losses caused by cybercrime and does not cover bodily or property damages for first- or third-party claims.
In addition to these limitations, your cyber liability policy will not cover the following:
- Dishonest or improper conduct
- Legislative violations
- Prior claims
- Trade secrets and intellectual property
- Governmental actions
- Trading losses
- Sale or ownership of securities
- Failure of infrastructure
- Improvement of company systems
- Contractual liability
- Recall
- Licensing
- Joint ownership disputes
For exact coverages, limitations and exclusions, please refer to your policy.
How Much Does Cyber Liability Insurance Cost?
FLIP’s Cyber Liability costs $8.25 per month when added to your new or existing general liability policy.
Why FLIP for Cyber Security Insurance?
FLIP makes it easy and affordable to protect your food business with cyber liability insurance.
As technology grows and improves, safeguarding your digital presence is essential. We offer the coverage you need to run a safe and successful business, online and off.
How Do I Get Cyber Liability Insurance?
If you’re purchasing a new policy, simply select Cyber Liability when choosing your coverage.
Already have a policy? No problem. You can add a cyber liability insurance policy in just four easy steps:
- Sign in to your user dashboard.
- On the User Dashboard page, scroll down to the “Manage Policies” section and click on the “Change Policy Options” button.
- Scroll down to the section titled “Cyber Coverage Options” and click on the “$100,000 cyber coverage” option.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Purchase policy.”
What FLIP Customers Say About Their Experience
Here's what other people have to say about their experience from over 350+ available reviews.
Cyber Liability Coverage Limits
Aggregate Claims-Made Liability Coverages Limit of Insurance
Privacy and Network Security
Regulatory Fines and Penalties
Ransom Payment
Cyber Deception

Written by: Chris Van Leeuwen
Chris Van Leeuwen is the VP of Agency Development for Food Liability Insurance Program (FLIP). He has held the prestigious Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation since 1996.
Because he strongly believes in the importance of helping business owners understand their insurance coverage, Chris uses his wealth of experience to offer insights to food and beverage professionals across the country who are looking to navigate business liability insurance

Reviewed by: Kyle Jude
Kyle Jude is the Program Manager for Food Liability Insurance Program (FLIP). As a dedicated program manager with 10+ years of experience in the insurance industry, Kyle offers insight into different coverages for food and beverage business professionals who are looking to navigate business liability insurance.